Youth IGF India fellowship 2024


Application deadline 8th Sep 24 

Youth Internet Governance Forum India is a United Nations recognised forum with the aim of spreading awareness on Internet Governance issues among the youth of India. We give them a platform to learn from various stakeholders to engage in informed policy making and technology development.

As we embark on our seventh year, we are committed to launching impactful projects and initiatives that amplify youth voices in shaping India’s digital landscape. From innovative workshops to global collaborative empowerment programs, we aim to tackle crucial digital challenges, foster inclusive dialogue, and drive sustainable change.

IIM Bangalore to host Youth IGF India‘s 7th Annul Forum on 30th September, 2024!


Join our dynamic team of fellows for 2024 and explore emerging technologies, advocate for digital rights, and build a more equitable digital future for all. Together, we can make a difference. Click below to apply!


We are grateful to our sponsors and supporters over the years. Here are those who have supported us in different capacities in the past few years.

  • FireBird VR
  • IIIT Hyderabad
  • InSIG
  • Indus Net Technologies
  • Internet Society
  • Meta
  • St. Xavier’s University
  • UN IGF

The fellowship aims to provide focused mentorship and guidance to the best young minds who are enthusiastic and equipped with that urge to know and contribute to technology, policy and society.


  • To provide a platform to engage, collaborate and take action on internet governance policies and regulations.
  • To help fellows build skills and knowledge in internet governance by engaging with domain experts.
  • To help fellows understand the policy and technology space as a prospective career.
  • Practically aid the understanding of the multistakeholder model of decision making.
  • To provide them with a platform to forge connections with stakeholders in the internet governance landscape.
  • Provide financial support to fellows to assist them in attending the annual forum to be held in IIM Bangalore, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Indian national currently living in India
  • Age bracket 18-30
  • Able to demonstrate an interest in the field of internet governance
  • Experience in working with or contributing to IG will be a bonus.
  • Must be available to engage in fellowship sessions and meetings actively.

Expectations from Fellows

  • Able to dedicate 4 hours a week for three months
  • Active participation in the annual forum
  • Quality engagement in all learning sessions for fellows
  • Commitment to actively engage and effectively contribute to the IG ecosystem post-fellowship
  • Available to travel to Bengaluru, Karnataka to attend the 7th edition of Youth IGF India 2024

Why Join Us?

  • Be a part of the selected cohort of brilliant young minds motivated to engage and contribute to the Internet Governance space.
  • Opportunity to engage in webinars by experts and team discussions prior to the conference on diverse topics of IG.
  • Dedicated sessions during the conference to provide the fellows with a focused exposure to the issues of Internet governance as well as an opportunity to interact with the relevant stakeholders.
  • Receive fellowship completion certificate post successful completion.
  • Opportunity to receive financial support to attend the annual forum in person at IIM-B.
  • Be a part of the Youth IGF India fellowship alumni community.

Important Dates to Note:

Fellowship applications open –  30.08.2024

Fellowship application close – 08.09.2024

Selected fellows announcement – 12.09.2024

Orientation & Internet Governance 101 15.09.2024

Expert Seminar 22.09.2024

7th Annual Forum at IIM-B 30.09.2024

Expert Tracks & Mentorship 5.10.2024 to 15.12.2024

During the fellowship, key themes will be explored, including Internet Governance in the Indian context, meaningful access, AI regulation, competition regulation, and cybersecurity. These topics will provide insights into the challenges and opportunities in these areas, with a focus on international frameworks and effective oversight.

Click here to know more and APPLY

Youth IGF India 2024 Fellowship

What is YIGF India? 

Youth IGF is a platform created by young people to involve youth in thought leadership in Internet governance. The idea is to encourage and empower them to engage in technological developments and public policy discussions. We bring together decision-makers, digital leaders, and inspiring youth to amplify the voice of the youth in building the future of the internet.

Why should I apply for the Fellowship? 

The Fellowship is designed to provide targeted mentorship for someone interested in or with experience working in any of the verticals of Internet Governance, such as data, trust, inclusion, and environment, among other things, and who wants to explore it with reference to real-world implications.

What are the benefits of participating in this Fellowship? 

  • Opportunity to interact and collaborate with thought leaders and IG domain experts from the technology and policy space.
  • Opportunity for peer networking
  • After the successful completion of the Fellowship program within the deadline, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.
  • Depending on your interest and eligibility, you could win an opportunity to work with national and international stakeholders who are actively involved in contributing to Internet Governance and related spaces.
  • Be a part of the Youth IGF India fellow’s community.
  • Opportunity to publish your article on our website post successful completion of your Fellowship.

What is the exact duration of the Fellowship? 

The fellowship will run for 3 months starting 15th September 2024.

What will my fellowship/work week look like? 

Your week will require a maximum of 4-5 hours. It will consist of collaborative workshops and different interactive sessions with eminent stakeholders. There will be follow up activities scheduled post each session. Proactive participation will be appreciated.

Can I attend the annual online? 

We strongly recommend every fellow to participate and contribute to theYouth IGF India annual forum in person. However, you can contribute online as the forum will be in a hybrid format.

Will accommodation and travel support be provided during the annual forum event in Bengaluru? 

Yes, accommodation and travel support will be provided to the selected fellows. The expenses of accommodation will be borne by Youth IGF India. The accommodation shall be provided only for the night of 29th September. The amount reimbursed as part of the travel support is ascertained on a case-to-case basis and with an upper cap of INR 10,000. Food will be provided during the forum.

**Local fellows from Bengaluru will be selected through a separate local process after ascertaining the number of seats available. Accommodation will be provided on a case-to-case basis.

I want to stay for a day or two after the event. Is there an option for me to extend the stay? 

You can extend the stay by bearing the charges on your own. Youth IGF India shall not be responsible for arranging accommodation facilities to the fellows after the end of the conference.

I currently live in Bengaluru. Will I receive local travel support within Bengaluru? 

Local fellows who are currently staying in Bengaluru are not eligible to receive any travel support. However, we may consider on a case-to-case basis in an unavoidable situation

Will there be some sort of monetary benefit associated with the Fellowship program? Is there a provision for stipend if I get selected? 

No, apart from the accommodation and travel support there will be no provision for stipend.

Will I get reimbursement for data recharges for the online training sessions? 

No, unfortunately we won’t be able to provide internet/data support.


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