xSDG UnConference 2021


August 18th, 2021

Belongg, in partnership with Dalberg, JPAL South Asia, and Breakthrough India, is putting together the inaugural edition of the xSDG UnConference between 18-31 August 2021. The UnConference will curate conversations around understanding how SDG programming and funding can better address the needs of people who face prejudice due to their gender, sexual orientation, race, caste, faith, disability, or age.

The Problem

Identity markers — Gender, sexual orientation, race, caste, disability, faith, and age — mediate access to and suitability of SDG programs and services for billions of people across the world. And yet, this is often overlooked in SDG program planning, design, and delivery.

xSDG Platform

The xSDG Initiative aims to address such gaps through creating an active dialogue around the need for intersectional thinking in SDG-related development, curating knowledge and research to promote such intersectional thinking, programming, and creating a community of researchers interested in these topics.

The xSDG UnConference 2021

Belongg, with support from Dalberg, is putting together the inaugural edition of the xSDG UnConference in August 2021. The UnConference will curate ideas to understand how SDG programming and funding can better address the needs of people who face prejudice due to gender, sexual orientation, race, caste, faith, disability, or age.

The UnConference will feature interactive sessions with leading thinkers, doers, funders, and development experts working across SDG topics and will seek to shape concrete initiatives that can get implemented going forward.

Panels & Topics

The UnConference will bring 15+ panels focused on SDGs & identity-linked inclusion featuring global thinkers, leaders, writers, artists in the development sector.

There are dedicated panels focused on intersectional inclusion in.WASH, Health, Education, Energy Access, Cities, Monitoring-Evaluation-Learning, Funding & Planning, Teach Public Policy and many more.

There are also some really powerful films being screened by the Global Fund For Women & Breakthrough.tv.

Session Timings & Dates

The detailed festival schedule will be sent to all registered participants. Sessions will run from the 18th-31st August on weekdays between 3pm-9pm India time taking into account global time zones.


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