The Climate Parent Fellowship


Deadline for applications is Tuesday 15 March 2022

The Climate Parent Fellowship aims to support, connect, and amplify climate parent organizers as they grow their creative ideas, campaigns, projects, and contribute to the emerging climate-parent movement.

Our first group of Fellows were appointed in July 2021. We want to support more passionate climate leaders. Our Fellowship is NOW open for NEW applications. The deadline for applications is Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 11:59 PM ET (check your equivalent time zone here).

Fellows receive training, mentorship, and a part-time stipend, which aims to make their climate organizing work more sustainable. The Fellowship also acts as a peer-to-peer learning network.

Fellows are people who are playing a significant role in the climate parent movement or they are bringing in a new idea or concept with strong potential to strengthen the climate parent movement.

Alignment with the climate parent/ intergenerational movement

Fellows play a key role in developing and driving work that is highly relevant to the intergenerational and parent-led climate movement. This could include work that is already making a strong contribution to the movement OR new work that would help strengthen the movement, including but not limited to: expanding geographic representation, increasing diversity, or strengthening a thematic area of work. Climate work that is not parent-led, intergenerational, or family-focused will not be considered.

We understand that climate work looks different depending on context and may include environmental and sustainability work.


Fellows have demonstrated ability to both set a strong and ambitious vision and to make that vision a reality. Fellows understand the potential of their work and how it can make a big impact or important contribution to their community and beyond.


Fellows work hard to advance their work despite having limited resources. They play a leadership role and are often called upon to help get stuff done. They have progressed their work past the initial idea phase and are in the process of implementing, growing, or scaling their project, group, or organization despite facing challenges.


Fellows are highly collaborative. They work well with others, seek to build community and engage others. Collaboration can take many forms including: building a strong community, partnering well with other groups/organizations, working across diverse organizations, building strong teams.

Innovation, creativity, and courage 

Fellows are innovative in their work; they are not afraid to develop a new program, try a new tactic, or learn a new skillset. Fellows have a track record of experimenting, taking risks, and/or using creative approaches to help move their work forward.

Established need

This Fellowship is intended to support individuals working to build ideas, projects, groups, and organizations that have genuine financial need in order to move this work forward. Fellowships will not be awarded to individuals who are already receiving sufficient financial support for their work.

Fellowship Timeline

The Fellowship will be open for applications from Monday 7 February – Tuesday 8 March at 11:59pm ET. We anticipate interviewing candidates in April and making final decisions by May. The fellowship starts July 1, 2022.

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