Social Innovation Catalyst – A Mentorship Program for NGOs


Deadline Extended – 10th September 2021

NASSCOM Foundation is the social arm of the IT-BPM industry body, NASSCOM and works with the industry in achieving its goals of social transformation and impact through technology.

NASSCOM Foundation is a non-profit with a vision to empower lives through technology and work towards creating a truly inclusive India.

The Foundation is leveraging the capabilities of IT-BPM member companies of NASSCOM along with emerging social enterprises to meet the technology needs of non-profits and underserved communities across India with continuous support from the Government.

A great opportunity for NGOs who are working on innovation in Healthcare, Financial Inclusion and EduTech. This program will help you get connected with mentors who can offer insight and advice in various business domains to upscale your Tech solution and your organization.

For Social Innovators and Non-profits

For Society

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