

‘Self4Society’ is the first of its kind mobile based platform that has been imagined with the idea of streamlining the government identified domains, the social activities of the corporates and their employees.

‘Self4Society’ empowers employees to participate in initiatives as per their preference under broad areas identified by the government, and the corporates aimed at giving back to the society.

The unique features offered by the app are:

1. INITIATIVES: Employees can easily see the initiatives that their company has created, browse through all the details of the same, see who else is going and then they can choose to volunteer to the social cause physically.

2. NETWORKING & GAMIFICATION: for employees at the company level with features like leaderboard, story creation, activity feed, etc.

3. FOLLOW: employees can follow their colleagues and see how they are contributing.

4. QR-CODE ATTENDANCE: QR-code driven initiative level attendance and unique concept of predefined tasks to streamline on-site activities, goodness points to be earned by employees for every man-hour contributed

5. COVERAGE: template-based event-level coverage which can be shared by employees with pride.

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