Residential Training Sustainable Solid Waste Management through Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to Strengthen Implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0


Last date to apply 9th June 23

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi. CSE researches into, lobbies for and communicates the urgency of development that is both sustainable and equitable.

The scenario today demands using knowledge to bring about change. In other words, working India’s democracy. This is what we aim to do.The challenge, we see, is two-pronged. On the one hand, millions live within a biomass based subsistence economy, at the margins of survival.

The environment is their only natural asset. But a degraded environment means stress on land, water and forest resources for survival. It means increasing destitution and poverty. Here, opportunity to bring about change is enormous.But it will need a commitment to reform – structural reform- in the way we do business with local communities.

On the other hand, rapid industrialization is throwing up new problems: growing toxification and a costly disease burden. The answers will be in reinventing the growth model of the Western world for ourselves, so that we can leapfrog technology choices and find new ways of building wealth that will not cost us the earth.

Our aim is to raise these concerns, participate in seeking answers and in pushing for answers, transforming these into policy and so practice. We do this through our research and by communicating our understanding through our publications.

The flagship Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) 2.0, with its focus on solid waste management, is being seen as a potential game-changer for India. The mission agenda talks about making India “garbage-free”, with key components like remediation of legacy waste and building infrastructure for treatment, processing, recovery, and recycling of municipal solid waste to divert 80 per cent of it from reaching the landfill by 2026.

Capacity building of city governments, regulators, state urban development authorities, academia, private sector, civil society, start-ups, researchers, consultants and individual practitioners is critical to collectively achieve the mammoth target. The magnitude of the mission creates space for every stakeholder to build an ecosystem for turning waste management services into business models for economic and environmental sustainability, critical for the success of the mission.

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is offering a tailor-made fourdays residential training programme on integrated solid waste management. The high impact training is designed to provide an end-to-end solution to design and implement a robust system of managing solid waste aligned with the principles of circular economy.

Course date = June 13th – 16th June

Course Fees
Rs 28000 forIndian participants
US $400 for foreign participants

Free Registration for Municipal Government/Other Government Officials

* Cost of travel to Delhi and Back for the nominated officials to be borne by the nominating Government Authority
50% Discountfor NGOs, AcademicInstitutions,Students, Farmers
25% Discountfor Industry Representatives, Consultants, Other Professionals


For more details please contact: 

Course Coordinator

Mou Sengupta
Deputy Programme Manager
Solid Waste Management Unit, CSE
Mobile No. 9836448262

Click here to know more and register

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