New Certificate in Nonprofit Marketing


New Certificate in Nonprofit Marketing

Marketing is an essential component of any organization’s strategic plan. Compelling messages can help your organization raise more money, engage your community, recruit volunteers, establish partnerships with corporations, and attract top talent.

This certificate program, co-developed with Kivi Leroux-Miller of Nonprofit Marketing Guide, is 100% free and will give you the skills and confidence to:

  • Understand your audiences
  • Manage different communication channels
  • Develop relevant, persuasive messages
  • Build meaningful relationships with your supporters

Earn a new certificate and digital badge to add to your CV, resume, and LinkedIn today!

NonprofitReady provides more than 500 online courses and certificate programs for professionals at every stage of their career. All 100% free. Topics range from hard skills such as fundraising, grant writing, finance, marketing, and program management to professional skills such as leadership, communication, time management, unconscious bias, and diversity and inclusion. NonprofitReady is a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation.


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