Junoon Awards 2024 : Goonj


Last date to submit the Application 1st November, 2023

Goonj has always believed in the contribution of organisations and their passion to bring positive change. We instituted Junoon awards to honor the efforts taken in the past few years towards the well-being of the people. We hope these stories keep inspiring each one of us to never lose our light and passion.. for what we believe in.

This year’s theme for the award would be “Empowering through Innovations”, all the creative, path-breaking, and out-of-the-box ideas are welcome for the application. Often innovations deviate from the norms and bear the brunt of being unique. We understand how tough it may have been for you to carry forward these ideas and wish to applaud the courage you have shown to take this tough journey of challenging existing ideas and narratives, bringing forth new rebellious ideas, and redefining the norms of development.


Often great work is a combination of the heart, the head, and the hands. While the complex theories of change and the detailed development matrix’s often delve into the head and the hands part of working in the development space, it’s our hearts which connect us back to the humanity of why we do, what we do. ‘Junoon’, a Hindi word for Passion, is at the heart of Junoon Awards.. We are looking for organizations who lead with their heart with a consistent zeal and passion. People who show exemplary courage and take risks to stay the course with what they strongly believe in, in the face of tremendous personal and organizational adversity, for the larger good. In summary, Junoon awards are the equivalent of the bravery awards in the world. Just that in development work, bravery emerges in different ways, goes unnoticed many times and deserves to be applauded often. We are instituting this award to recognize the unrelenting passion and resilience of people doing development work against many odds. We want to honor the efforts in the past few years towards the wellbeing of the people of this country. We hope these stories keep inspiring each one of us to never lose our light and passion.. for what we believe in..

The Theme for 2024 Awards is

“Empowering through Innovations”, All the creative, path-breaking, and out-of-the-box ideas are welcome for the application. Often innovations deviate from the norms and bear the brunt of being unique. We understand how tough it may have been for you to carry forward these ideas and wish to applaud the courage you have shown to take this tough journey of challenging existing ideas and narratives, bringing forth new rebellious ideas, and redefining the norms of development.

Some basics for participation-

  1. The organization must be registered as a section 8 company, society, or trust
  2. Think and write about the innovation which is still in action (not past work)
  3. Ethics matter and matter a lot …  So same projects/efforts/initiatives cannot be submitted twice and any misrepresentation or false information regarding the initiative/effort in the entry form will disqualify the applicant.
  4. For the next step- we will reach out for more information if you’re selected for round two

Winners of 2023 cannot apply for the award. Special Jury mention and Appreciation are eligible to apply

Please send in your applications soon!

Form Links

In English: https://zfrmz.in/Y1xpPqx8QRUHdy4rmzN2

In Hindi: https://zfrmz.in/5K38c32s7qDMoWcfriom

Application Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cK94WXcZkSWP2BeFeMLRfdHsSRrzY37grKCr0HCyPnE/edit?usp=sharing

For more information: https://goonj.org/junoon-awards/

In case of any queries reach out at mail@goonj.org or at 8368810215 (Jai)

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