Operations and Logistic Officer – Project Concern International (PCI)

Website PCI_India_ Project Concern International (PCI)

Project Concern International PCI, a Global Communities Partner has been working in India since 1998 with the Mission to empower people to enhance health, end hunger, overcome hardship and advance women and girls. PCI, a Global Communities Partner, envisions a world in which the most vulnerable people will have the power to lift themselves out of poverty and to create vital, healthy lives for their families and communities now and for the future.

PCI works with the government as well as social actors to create an enabling environment to improve and activate the social position of marginalized populations, especially women and girls, as well as strengthen convergent actions on the ground. Knowledge and evidence-based decision making and data-driven management have been a trademark of our programs in India. For over two decades, PCI has maintained a diverse portfolio in India, with a presence in more than one-fifth of all districts in the country, reaching over 10 million people in 2019 alone. PCI’s health, gender, and community development programming focuses on low-income, vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations, especially adolescent girls, women of reproductive ages and children. By integrating its community mobilization and empowerment approaches into the government strategies and systems, PCI is helping to ensure that millions of vulnerable women, children, families, and communities throughout India have the ability to advocate for, access and utilize quality health, nutrition, and empowerment services and information for generations to come.

Please visit our website to learn more about our work in India.

No of Position: 01

Reporting Line: Finance Manager



  • To initiate due diligence process along with the finance team and verify or Approve Purchase Request Forms.
  • To do market survey and get quotations.
  • To facilitate purchase of stationery, Printing, office equipment’s, furniture and other items for office use and verify the specification of items received.
  • Ensure compliance in procurement process.
  • To conduct timely physical verification of stock/office inventory and ensure quality maintenance of the stock/physical assets.

Annual Maintenance Contracts

  • Prepare vendor data base and due diligence system, finding suitable parties /vendors for A.M.C
  • Negotiating with parties/ vendors for better quotes.
  • Reviewing the services of Annual Maintenance Contracts.
  • Issue the contracts to respective vendors.
  • Ensure timely payment to vendors.
  • Monitoring for quality of work / services
  • Management & disposal of assets
  • Management of Program Logistics
  • Ensure that all the logistic arrangements related to Trainings / Workshops / Conference / Meetings within office or outside happens smoothly.
  • Manage logistics arrangements related to program supplies at field level.

Vehicle Management

  • Provide vehicle to PCI officials for office use.
  • Verify logbooks.
  • Ensure that insurance and other documents related to vehicles are updated.
  • To see that office vehicles are road worthy at all times.
  • Ensure adequate fueling in vehicles.
  • Procurement (facilitate purchase) and disposals of office vehicles.
  • Monitoring fuel consumption of vehicles.
  • Co-ordinate servicing and repairing of vehicles.
  • Be aware of emerging market conditions and new alternatives for servicing the staff better.
  • adopt cost effective models to drive efficiency in vehicle usage, travel processes and stay management.
  • Ensure demonstrability of value for money principle in all processes.

Compliance, legal & Audit 

  • Facilitate audits and physical verification.
  • Facilitate review of vehicle management
  • Ensure compliance to organizational and donor requirements on procurement.

Team Building

Work closely with all stakeholders with a service orientation and problem-solving approach.


 Qualifications: MBA (HR &Admin.)/Post graduate diploma in management

Skills and Experience:

  • 7 years of relevant experience in handling procurement, logistic and administratio
  • Experience with reputed national/ international organization in social development will be p
  • Excellent functional engagement and relationship building skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills with demonstrable ability to influenc
  • Exceptional communication skills and  abilities,  self-confidence,  energy  and  a  strong  spirit  of teamwo
  • Ability to  plan and  organize  a  substantial  workload that  includes  complex  diverse  tasks  and responsibilitie
  • Sets and maintains high standards of performance for self and effectively encourages other staff to do so.

To apply for this job please visit pciglobal.in.

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