Last date for the application 20th Nov 22
Development Management Institute (DMI) DMI has been set up in 2014 with the active support of the Rural Development Department, Govt. of Bihar; Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (BRLPS); The Bihar State Milk Co-Operative Federation Ltd. (COMFED) and other prominent national and international development support agencies.
‘The mission of DMI is to “empower and usher in participatory governance and management of institutions, enterprises, and resources for enhancing livelihoods and generating sustainable development”.
DMI endeavours to empower grassroots through:
* Creating a cadre of Development Management Professionals;
* Enhancing Competencies for Development Management Praxis;
* Orienting Vision, Values and Leadership Practices towards Good Governance and
* Engaging in Networked trans-disciplinary Action Research and Policy Advocacy.
The Department of Dissater Management (DMD) has signed a MoU with the Development Management Institute to establish a Center of Excellence in Disaster Management (CoEDM) at Development Management Institute (DMI) with its own dedicated human resources team and infrastructure support with focus on disaster management studies through training, research, education and consulting activities.
DMI Patna requires the services of suitable candidates for the following posititons in the Centre of Excellence in Disaster Managment (CoEDM) at DML Patna
1. Creative Content Developer
Pay Band: 15600 – 39100
Upper age Limit *(in years): 50
Background Bihar is prone to multiple hazards including floods, earthquakes, drought, cyclonic storms, fire, hailstorms, and lightning of high severity. 28 of the total 38 districts in the state are prone to floods. Areas in south Bihar that were historically not flood prone have also started experiencing flooding in recent years due to various climatic and human factors. A large part of the state is also prone to seismic activities and cover multiple seismic zones. In 2018, the State faced serious drought, which affected 280 blocks of 25 districts. The State also faces extreme heat and cold wave conditions in peak summers and winter, respectively. The complexity has got further enhanced in 2020 with the biological hazard of SARS-CoV2 and related challenges. Mass casualties due to fire incidences and road-traffic accidents are also high in Bihar among human induces hazards. Lightning and high-speed winds in parts of the state have also added further distress.
Disaster Management Department is the nodal department of the government for effective management of disasters through timely response by coordinating and monitoring emergency relief as well as implementing long-term mitigation measures by mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in development planning.
The Department of Disaster Management (DMD) has signed MoU with the Development Management Institute to establish a ‘Centre of Excellence in Disaster Management (CoEDM)’ at Development Management Institute (DMI), Patna. This Centre is functioning as an academic project unit of DMI with its own dedicated human resources team and infrastructure support with focus on disaster management studies through training, research, education, and consulting activities.
Vacancy The CoEDM, at DMI Patna requires the services of a Creative Content Developer (CCD) on contract basis for a period of two years with the possibility of renewal, contingent upon individual performance and continued funding, wherein first year shall be in probation. CCD shall be responsible for creation, development and transforming training and IEC content for e-learning platform. position of CCD is on contract basis for a period of two years with the possibility of renewal, contingent upon individual performance and continued funding, wherein first year shall be in probation. The CCD will work in tandem with the subject matter specialists to develop the creative contents best suited to augment the learning. The CCD will collaborate with the ICT Expert for transforming the descriptive contents to produce multi[1]media contents that could be carried on the digital platform. The CCD will provide inputs for the development of e-learning platform and provide technical facilitation of the online training to the trainers, and e-learners.
Qualification & Experience required
- Master’s Degree in Communication with specialization in creative writing.
- Minimum 5 years working experience as a content developer or related field is essential.
- Excellent written and communication skills in both English and Hindi.
- Proven experience in e-learning/course content development are essential. Experience in developing storyline is preferred.
- Proven ability to demonstrate creativity in documentation and training module development from previous assignments.
- Proven experience in digital platform development and conducting training program would be an added advantage.
Personal qualities
- Self-motivated, pro-active and takes initiatives.
- Demonstrated ability to plan and work independently.
- Excellent Command over English and Hindi.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, ability to work with a team and coordinate with diverse partners in a multi-stakeholder environment.
- Strong desires to learn, undertake new challenges, must be a creative problem-solver with self-confidence.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Review course content and material in the domain of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
- Develop the creative contents best suited to augment the learning in collaboration with the subject matter specialists.
- Collaborate with the ICT Expert for transforming the descriptive contents to produce multi-media contents that could be carried on the digital platform.
- Assist in the development of e-learning platform and provide technical facilitation of the online training to the trainers, and e-learners
- Plan and design an effective and appropriate pedagogical methodology.
- Create the layout of the instructional material by organizing course content in storyboard and scripts for e-learning.
- Develop IEC material/audio, visual, and interactive media aids.
- Create monitoring and assessments tools such as tests or quiz and questionnaires.
- Update the training content based on technical inputs from the Master Trainers and feedback from participants.
- Work independently to create interesting instructional modules, course book and training materials based on adult learning principle.
- Any other task assigned by the Coordinator-CoEDM and the Director, DMI.
Key Deliverables
- Instructional material and course content based in storyboard, scripts, or any other creative format.
- Monitoring and assessments tools such as tests, quiz, and questionnaires.
- Instructional modules, course book and training materials and launch of the digital platform.
- Developing various kinds of IEC materials on disaster risk reduction.
Compensation Competitive (Pay Band 15600-39100); Based on qualifications/experience. Mode of application online through the DMI website
2. Project Associate – Civil Engineering
Pay Band: 9300 – 34800
Upper age Limit *(in years): 40
Vacancy The CoEDM, at DMI Patna requires the services of suitable candidates with strong academic orientation to serve as ‘Project Associate- Civil Engineering’ on contract basis, initially, for a period of two years with the possibility of renewal, contingent upon individual performance and continued funding.
Qualification & Experience required
- Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering
- Experience of work in Disaster Management shall be preferred. Job Requirements
- Good command in English and Hindi languages.
- Good communication skills (written and verbal).
- Well versed in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
- Exposure to technology.
- Demonstrate creativity in Documentation and compilation of information.
- Good skills of data analysis and report generation, interpretation in terms of action required.
- Good interpersonal and public relations skills; ability to work with a team in a multi[1]stakeholder environment.
- A self-motivated person with a strong desire to learn; undertake new challenges, creative & innovative,
- A good sense of information/data quality and excellence of work.
- While the work headquarters would generally be at Patna, should be willing to work in the field outside the headquarters.
Key Responsibilities
- Do web-based desk research to collate and compile information
- Compilation of case studies, best practices in disaster risk reduction
- Compilation of training material from online sources, all formats in English and Hindi
- Compilation of database of experts on the topic
- Literature survey on disaster management concerning natural and manmade disasters
- Interaction with field functionaries to collate data and information
- Assist in preparation of training materials
- Willing to work in the field intermittently outside the headquarters
- Collate the data from the target and/or training participants and present it upon analysis
- Actively demonstrate willingness to learn, to work hard and coordinate with diverse partners with a good sense of information/data quality and excellence of work.
- Any other work, as assigned by the Coordinator, CoEDM and the Director, DMI. Compensation Competitive (Pay Band 9300-34800); Based on qualifications/experience. Mode of application online through the DMI website
3. Project Associate – Planning (Environment or Urban & Regional Planning)
Pay Band: 9300 – 34800
Upper age Limit *(in years): 40
Qualification & Experience required
- Master’s Degree in Environmental Planning or Urban and Regional Planning
- Experience of work in Disaster Management shall be preferred. Job Requirements
- Good command in English and Hindi languages.
- Good communication skills (written and verbal).
- Well versed in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
- Experience of usage of technology at work
- Demonstrate creativity in Documentation and compilation of information.
- Good computer skills in operating the website, spreadsheets, and presentation software.
- Good skills of data analysis and report generation, interpretation in terms of action required.
- Good interpersonal and public relations skills; ability to work with a team in a multi[1]stakeholder environment.
- A self-motivated person with a strong desire to learn; undertake new challenges, creative & innovative.
- A good sense of information/data quality and excellence of work.
- While the work headquarters would generally be at Patna, should be willing to work in the field outside the headquarters.
Key Responsibilities
- Do web-based desk research to collate and compile information
- Compilation of case studies, best practices in disaster risk reduction
- Compilation of training material from online sources, all formats in English and Hindi
- Literature survey on the theme with regards to disaster management
- Interaction with field functionaries to collate data and information
- Assist in preparation of training materials
- Assist in organizing training programs
- Willing to work in the field intermittently outside the headquarters
- Collate the data from the target and/or training participants and present it upon analysis
- Actively demonstrate willingness to learn, to work hard and coordinate with diverse partners with a good sense of information/data quality and excellence of work.
- Any other work, as assigned by the Coordinator, CoEDM and the Director, DMI Compensation Competitive (Pay Band 9300-34800); Based on qualifications/experience. Mode of application online through the DMI website
4. Administrative Assistant (Accounts)
Pay Band: 9300 – 34800
Upper age Limit *(in years): 40
Vacancy The CoEDM, at DMI Patna requires the services of suitable candidates with academic orientation and administrative experience to serve as ‘Administrative Assistant (Accounts)’ on contract basis for a period of two years with the possibility of renewal, contingent upon individual performance and continued funding, wherein first year shall be in probation.
Qualification & Experience required
- Master’s in commerce/Finance or related discipline
- Minimum two years of post-qualification relevant experience of working with any Government supported society or academic institution with research inclination.
Job Requirements
- Command in English and working knowledge of Hindi language (Written and Verbal).
- Very good understanding in financial planning and other related matters
- Propensity to research especially regarding financial aspects with good writing skills
- Preparation of financial planning and accounting reports
- Looking at the financial aspects in disaster situations
- Well versed in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
- Good interpersonal and public relations skills; ability to work with a team in a multi[1]stakeholder environment.
- A self-motivated person with a strong desire to learn; undertake new challenges
- Ability to coordinate with diverse partners; a good sense of information/data quality and excellence of work.
- While the work headquarters would generally be at Patna, should be willing to work in the field intermittently for weeks and months outside the headquarters.
Key Responsibilities
- Command in English and working knowledge of Hindi language (Written and Verbal).
- Ability to render effective support in finance and accounts-related matters
- Able to maintain accounts
- Preparation of financial planning and accounting reports
- Process the bills/receipts for payment
- Prepare an inventory of stocks
- Ability to coordinate with diverse partners; a good sense of information/data quality and excellence of work.
- While the work headquarters would generally be at Patna, should be willing to work in the field intermittently for weeks and months outside the headquarters.
- Any other work, as assigned by the coordinator – CoEDM and the Director, DMI from time to time
Compensation Competitive (Pay Band 9300-34800); Based on qualifications/experience. Mode of application online through the DMI website
All the above positions are one each will be filled a contract basis for a period of two years with the possibility of renewal, contingent upon individual performance and continued funding, wherein first year shall be in probation. For detailed job descriptions and eligibility requirements, please visit DMI website for details