IISPPR Field Research Fellowship


Application deadline 15th Aug 24

The International Institute of SDGs & Public Policy, or (IISPPR), is a young and impactful organization established in 2021. We’re an independent force dedicated to shaping a better future through the power of public policy. Our approach is unique, combining in-depth research with scientific analysis. We don’t just generate reports – we translate our findings into actionable ideas that can be implemented by policymakers and stakeholders. Our expertise spans a wide range of crucial areas, from Urban Reform and Livelihoods to Education, Health, and Governance. Since our founding, we’ve actively fostered open dialogue, influenced policy changes, and even driven institutional transformation. We are a catalyst for positive change, and we invite you to join us in pursuing a more sustainable and equitable future.

About the Course

This course offers a thorough introduction to qualitative research methods, encompassing theoretical foundations, practical techniques, and the application of various qualitative methods in social science research. Students will gain hands-on experience in qualitative research processes, including developing research questions, designing interview schedules, conducting pilot studies, and applying methodologies such as ethnography, grounded theory, case studies, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis

Course’s Objective

  • Understand the principles and practices of qualitative research.
  • Develop skills in designing and conducting qualitative studies.
  • Gain experience in data collection and analysis techniques.
  • Learn to critically evaluate qualitative research.

Field Research Fellowship Program Overview

  • Online Format: The program is fully online.
  • Program Duration: Classes will be held from 1st September 2024 to 30th September 2024.
  • Eligibility: The program is open to both undergraduate/postgraduate students and working professionals.
  • Class Schedule: Classes will take place at 6 PM, four times a week. If a significant number of working professionals are enrolled, additional classes may be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays, but the total number of classes each week will remain four.
  • Homework and Reserve Days: After each class, there will be a designated reserve day to provide ample time for completing homework and assignments. This allows you to thoroughly review class materials and ensure all tasks are completed before the next session.
  • Certification: A fellowship certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the program.
  • Total Number of Seats: 15

About the Fieldwork

For the fieldwork, you won’t need to travel far. You can conduct it right in your own neighborhood. We’ll provide you with detailed instructions on how to carry out the fieldwork in your local area.

Class 1

Understanding and Writing a Literature Review

Topics Covered

  • Importance and purpose of a literature review
  • Types of literature reviews
  • Steps in conducting a literature review


  • Importance and purpose of a literature review
  • Types of literature reviews
  • Steps in conducting a literature review


  • Read assigned articles on the importance of literature reviews
  • Write a brief reflection on the purpose and types of literature reviews

Class 2

Searching and Identifying Relevant Literature

Topics Covered

  • Lecture on the significance of literature reviews in research Discussion on different types of literature reviews (narrative, systematic, etc.)
  • Interactive session on identifying research gaps and formulating research questions


  • Workshop on using academic databases (e.g., Google Scholar, JSTOR, PubMed)
  • Group activity on developing search strategies for specific research questions


  • Conduct a literature search on a given topic and compile a list of relevant articles
  • Summarize the key findings from at least three articles

Class 3

Organizing and Analyzing Literature

Topics Covered

  • Techniques for organizing literature (e.g., thematic, chronological)
  • Critical analysis and synthesis of literature Using reference management software (e.g., Zotero, EndNote)


  • Interactive session on organizing literature using thematic and chronological methods Hands-on training on using reference management software
  • Group discussion on critically analyzing and synthesizing literature


  • Conduct a literature search on a given topic and compile a list of relevant articles
  • Summarize the key findings from at least three articles

Class 4

Writing the Literature Review

Topics Covered

  • Structure and components of a literature review Writing techniques and tips for clarity and coherence
  • Common pitfalls to avoid in literature review writing


  • Interactive session on organizing literature using thematic and chronological methods
  • Hands-on training on using reference management software
  • Group discussion on critically analyzing and synthesizing literature


  • Write the first draft of your literature review Peer-review a classmate’s draft and provide constructive feedback

Class 5

Revising and Finalizing the Literature Review

Topics Covered

  • Revising and editing techniques Incorporating feedback from peers and instructors
  • Ensuring academic integrity and proper citation


  • Workshop on revising and editing drafts for clarity, coherence, and conciseness
  • Group discussion on incorporating feedback effectively Session on plagiarism and proper citation practices


  • Revise your literature review based on peer and instructor feedback
  • Finalize the literature review and ensure all sources are properly cited

Class 6

Entering the Field

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to qualitative research Ethical considerations and gaining access Building rapport with participants


  • Students will attend a lecture on the importance of entering the field.
  • Students will analyze case studies on gaining access and building rapport.


  • Students will read assigned articles on ethical considerations in qualitative research.
  • Students will prepare a brief reflection on the challenges of gaining access to research participants.

Class 7

Developing a Research Question

Topics Covered

  • Identifying research gaps Formulating research questions The role of literature review


  • Students will participate in a workshop on developing research questions.
  • Students will engage in group discussions about their research interests and potential questions.


  • Students will conduct a literature review related to their research interests and draft at least two research questions.

Class 8

Entering the Field

Topics Covered

  • Types of interviews (structured, semi-structured, unstructured)
  • Designing interview questions Crafting an interview guide


  • Students will complete a practical exercise on developing interview questions.
  • Students will role-play interviews in pairs or small groups.


  • Students will design an interview guide based on their research questions and prepare a plan for conducting an interview.

Class 9

Entering the Field

Topics Covered

  • Importance of pilot studies Conducting pilot studies
  • Revising questionnaires and interview schedules based on pilot feedback


  • Students will conduct a pilot study with classmates.
  • Students will participate in a workshop on revising research instruments based on pilot results


  • Students will revise their interview guide based on feedback from the pilot study and submit a revised version.

Class 10

Revising and Finalizing the Literature Review

Topics Covered

  • Principles of ethnographic research Participant observation and field notes Ethical considerations in ethnography


  • Students will be divided into groups for a mini-ethnography project.
  • Students will conduct fieldwork and gather ethnographic data.


  • Students will prepare a field report including observations and reflections from their ethnographic research.

Class 11

Report Submission and Feedback

Topics Covered

  • Submitting ethnography reports
  • Peer review and feedback
  • Instructor’s feedback and suggestions


  • Students will submit their ethnography reports.
  • Students will engage in group discussions on the feedback received.
  • Students will participate in an instructor-led feedback session.


  • Students will review peer feedback and make revisions to their ethnography report based on suggestions.

Class 12

Grounded Theory

Topics Covered

  • Identifying research gaps
  • Formulating research questions
  • The role of literature review


  • Students will complete a hands-on coding exercise using sample data.
  • Students will work in groups on developing theoretical frameworks.
  • Students will submit a grounded theory application report.


  • Students will complete coding of provided sample data and draft a report on their theoretical framework.

Class 13

Case Study Method

Topics Covered

  • Designing case studies
  • Data collection techniques in case studies
  • Analyzing case study data


  • Students will work on a group project designing a case study.
  • Students will engage in field experience and data collection.
  • Students will present their case study findings


  • Students will prepare a case study report and analysis based on their fieldwork and group project.

Class 14

Discourse Analysis

Topics Covered

  • Principles of discourse analysis
  • Identifying discourses in texts
  • Analyzing discursive practices


  • Students will complete a practical exercise on discourse analysis using sample texts.
  • Students will engage in group discussions on identified discourses


  • Students will analyze a given text using discourse analysis methods and submit a written report.

Class 15

Case Study Method

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to narrative analysis
  • Collecting and analyzing narrative data
  • Applications of narrative analysis in research


  • Students will participate in a workshop on collecting narrative data.
  • Students will work in groups on analyzing narratives.
  • Students will present their narrative analysis findings


  • Students will collect narrative data from interviews or secondary sources and prepare a narrative analysis report.

Required Readings

  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. Sage.
  • Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing Grounded Theory. Sage.
  • Yin, R. K. (2018). Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods. Sage.
  • Gee, J. P. (2014). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. Routledge.
  • Riessman, C. K. (2008). Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences. Sage.

Note – Classes will be conducted online, and recordings will be available for 15 days. After completing the program, students will receive a fellowship certificate. Additionally, those who choose to contribute to a book chapter will be awarded a publication certificate, which will include a DOI.

Fee Structure

Our courses are designed to provide immense value at an incredibly affordable fee. While the actual cost of the course is RS 5500, we are currently offering an early bird discounted fee of Rs 2500. We understand that financial situations vary, and if you are facing any financial difficulties, we invite you to pay what you can.

These courses are conducted on a non-profit basis, with the goal of making education accessible to everyone. However, there are significant expenses associated with running these programs that we strive to cover through these fees. Your contribution helps us continue providing quality education and support to all our students.

Address Office no. 30 Nihad Plaza, Opposite Zakir Hussain School, Civil Lines, Near AMU, Aligarh, 202001

Email Iisppresearch@gmail.com

Phone No +91 – 8279616047

Click here to know more and APPLY


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