International Innovation Corps Fellowship


Applications closes on Feb 28, 2022, 11:59 PM IST

Fellow Stipend: INR 12,70,000 (twelve lakh rupees only) per annum

The International Innovation Corps bridges the gap between innovation and impact. Our model has three defining features. Innovation Underpinned by Diversity – Project Associates from varied academic and professional backgrounds combine unique perspectives to create innovative solutions. The diverse teams are a source of collaborative innovation for our projects. Large Scale Impact – Project associates  work in interdisciplinary teams directly with the partner government and development organizations. We run structured problem diagnostics and  pilot iterative solutions, ultimately leading to an overhaul of existing systems and creation of new interventions to drive and sustain project impact. These direct interventions with government partners and stakeholders on ground offer unparalleled opportunities for solutions to achieve scale. Sustainable Solutions – The Project Associates work to ensure their interventions have a lasting impact. They focus on creating systems for scale and sustainability to achieve the desirable results and develop rigorous methodologies for evaluating outcomes, including defining metrics to assess their success by collecting and comparing baseline and endline data.

Who Should Apply

From Lawyers and Doctors to Researchers, Economists and Entrepreneurs, our Project Associates come from all walks of life. It is this diversity that lends IIC its unique flavour. We have found that complex development issues benefit from a combination of domain expertise, collaboration and an innovative approach. If you thrive in a culture of rigorous inquiry, are creative and most importantly, passionate about creating social impact, you have the skills we are looking for.

Creating Scalable Solutions

Imagine contributing to projects that enhance learning outcomes in government schools, shape policy to ensure efficient healthcare delivery and create solutions to provide renewable power to farmers! As an IIC Project Associate, you work on driving significant and transformative initiatives spearheaded by the government, leading not-for-profit organizations and Foundations. Learn about some of our current and past projects.

An Unparalleled Opportunity

At the International Innovation Corps, we address the most pressing development challenges by bridging the gap between impactful projects and innovative minds. Our problem-solving approach is hands-on, analytical and based on data-driven decision making to co-create solutions that can be operationalized and scaled.


The IIC teams are led by experienced Project Leads, who are supported by the core management team of sector-specific Engagement Managers, Program Managers and Directors based in Delhi and Chicago. The IIC teams regularly receive management and performance oversight, strategic project and stakeholder management support, intensive training and structured feedback.



Applicants for the 2022-2023 Program must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Class of 2019 or 2020 graduates of any masters program ( including PhDs, JDs, MBAs and MDs)

  • PIO/OCI card-holder


The IIC welcomes all young professionals who are interested in the development sector. The applicant should have completed their undergraduate degree at least three years ago. An applicant with a master’s degree, plus one-year work experience will be considered.

Successful candidates would have a deep and critical understanding of the social impact sector and development issues. Fluency in one or more regional languages is a desired qualification.

Application Process

The duration of the 2022-2023 Fellowship will be March 2022 through Feb 2023.


  1. The applications are now open. Interested candidates can visit the below-mentioned form to submit their applications. Successful completion of the applications will require three documents: an updated CV, a motivation question (see details of the job description here), and an Innovation Proposal (details here).

  2. Selected applicants will be called for interviews. Please note that the IIC receives a very high number of applications every cycle so we may not able to contact all applicants with an update on their application status.

  3. The last date to submit this application is Feb 28, 2022

  4. Interviews will be held on a rolling basis. So, please apply as early as possible.

  5. The final decision will be made in the first week of March 2022

Fellows will start working on their projects on the ground in March 2022.


Applications Open | Jan 13, 2022

Applications Close | Feb 28, 2022

Interviews | Rolling basis

Final Decisions | First week of March 2022

Spring Cohort Commencement | March – April 2022


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