HCL Harit


Submission deadline: March 31, 2022


HCL Foundation (HCLF) was established in 2011 as the CSR arm of HCL Technologies. It is a not for profit organization, that strives to contribute towards national and international development goals, bringing about lasting positive impact in the lives of people, through long term sustainable programmes. The foundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development. Active community engagement ensures optimal long-term gains and upward accountability.

HCL Foundation works through Life Cycle Based, Integrated Community Development Approach with thematic focus on Education, Health, Skill Development & Livelihood, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction & Response. Child protective strategies, inclusion and gender transformative approaches remain central in all initiatives of HCL Foundation, thus ensuring comprehensive development.

Presently HCL Foundation is implementing five flagship programmes, namely HCL Samuday & HCL Grant – Rural Development programmes; HCL Uday & Clean Noida – Urban Development programmes; HCL Harit (The Green Initiative) – Environment Action programme and 4 special initiatives – Power of One, Sports for Change, HCL Foundation Academy and My E-Haat.

For more details, please visit our website – https://www.hclfoundation.org/


To be the source code for sustainable socio-economic and environmental development

Link to Videos:

HCL Foundation Video – https://youtu.be/GW9oTI28BuQ
HCL Harit Video – https://youtu.be/O8YPCjdGayU

HCL Harit

HCL Foundation launched HCL Harit – The Green Initiative, a distinct flagship programme for Environment Action; with the vision ‘to conserve, restore and enhance indigenous environmental systems and respond to climate change in a sustainable manner through community engagement’. Throughout the process, HCL Harit ensures at building scalable and replicable models that are economically viable, socially acceptable, environmentally sustainable, holistic and inclusive. All these interventions follow ‘Participatory and Convergent Approach’ in attaining the desired results towards UN SDG goals aligned to the National Indicator Framework for SDG. Operational in nine States – Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Telangana, Harit is building sustainable and inclusive models towards:

  • A flourishing biodiversity, green cover and building climate resilience through afforestation;
  • An abundance of water resources through rejuvenating vanishing waterbodies;
  • A thriving coastal and marine habitats by on and off shore cleaning initiatives;
  • A better life for animals by improving human animal relationships and addressing animal welfare inside community areas;
  • Cleaner air through reducing and neutralizing CO2 emissions;
  • Protecting and preserving the environment through education, community stewardship and participation.

From the inception of HCL Harit Programme in 2020, till December 31, 2021, more than 414,965 saplings have been planted, 227.3 acres of land is under afforestation, 71 waterbodies rejuvenated, 68 compost pits constructed, around 7284 people have been reached through Environment Education, close to 46,325 animals treated and 4 km of coastal stretch preserved.

Environment Education

During COP26, India recommended inclusion of sustainable modes of living practiced by certain traditional communities as a part of school curricula and lessons. Honorable PM of India also proposed a new mantra for sustainable development – ‘LIFE’. An acronym for Lifestyle for Environment, which calls for collective participation to save the planet inspired by the Indian culture. In order to achieve these national and also global commitments to emerging environmental issues, incorporating environmental education in schools, colleges and creating awareness among all groups of people is the only way forward. Environment Education (further referred to as EE) is about the environment, education through the environment and education for the environment. Environment is the only thing that binds all beings together.

EE encompasses understanding about the environment, the science behind environmental issues, how human practices impact it, how individuals and communities can take positive action, and how these positive actions can lead the way in building resilient and sustainable ecosystems.

Request for Proposals

Proposals are invited from NGOs/CSO/educational institutions with subject matter experts to implement Environment Education projects undertaken by HCL Foundation, under its flagship programme HCL Harit in the locations mentioned above. HCL Harit, under its Environment Education theme, plans to create an structured environment programme for Government schools in Chennai, Lucknow and Noida, and equip government school
teachers with the necessary skills, facilities to support government school students and also build necessary green infrastructure in line with the framework that promotes environmental sustainability and conservation within the schools.

The purpose of this document is to request for proposals in-line with the standards of HCL Foundation and with the strategy of Environment Education theme. Respondents are requested to submit their proposals on the basis of detailed instructions given below to set up high impact projects in the proposed locations using innovative and sustainable models.

Scope of work

The project should enable young minds to lead the way to environmental sustainability and become leaders contributing to nation building. The aim is to provide equal opportunities for students from government schools to learn, explore, innovate in the field of environment and sustainability and become leaders for climate action and involve parents and larger communities in the process.

  • This proposal must have a draft of the EE framework and a methodology for implementation.
  • Include methods to run this programme keeping COVID-19 situation and lockdown in mind.
  • The proposal must include indicators that will be used for assessing impact.

Organization competencies desired:

  • Strong track record in the subject area
  • Reasonable experience in implementing similar large scale programmes
  • Skills, knowledge and experience of team members and organizations in this sector
  • Wide range of networks/contacts in this sector that they are willing to share
  • Sound management and internal governance structure

Submission details & Deadlines

  • Proposals must be submitted as per the prescribed Proposal Format (HCL Harit Proposal format) along with Annexure A (Budget) and Annexure B (Gantt Chart) and Annexure C (Indicator File).
  • Send in your submissions with Subject Line in the given format: HCLF/RFP/Harit/EE/10022022/ latest by March 31, 2022 to aishwarya.balas@hcl.com, marking ravikumar.sharma@hcl.com in cc, with all relevant documents.
  • Proposals must be submitted along with Budget and Gantt Chart ONLY in the formats shared on the link below. Proposals not shared in the given format are liable forrejection. Proposals received after the due date will not be considered.
  • Proposal must include all the components mentioned above. HCL F – Proposal Formats Budget: Budgetmust be submitted as perthe attached template. Please provide detailed break-up of each line item and all sub-line item costs with clear budget explanatory notes. Any taxes including Service Tax, Sales Tax, Value Added Tax or any other applicable tax, duty, cess or levies, must be quoted separately from the price of goods and services. The terms of payment along with a tentative timeline must also be attached.

Gantt Chart:

The Gantt Chart must detail the comprehensive list of activities proposed in the proposal along with a tentative timeline. A sample Gantt Chart can be downloaded from the link above. NGOs/Implementation Agencies may make the required changes in the Gantt Chart as per the activities proposed by them.

Kindly provide an LFA with key objectives, activities, inputs, outputs, outcome and impact & a riskn assessment and mitigation plan.

All enquiries regarding this RFP should be made by March 20, 2022 via email to aishwarya.balas@hcl.com.

Terms & Conditions

  • Duration of the project: Duration of the project may vary from 12 to 15 months.
  • Deadline: Proposals received after the designated deadline may be subject to rejection by HCL Foundation.
  • Validity: Your proposal must remain valid for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the date of receipt by HCL Foundation.
  • Negotiations: The most competitive proposal is requested. It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded on the basis of merit of proposal. However, HCL Foundation reserves the right to request responses to questions and conduct negotiations with any potential agency/consultant prior to awardinga contract.
  • Rejection of proposal: This document is a request for proposals only, and in no way binds HCL Foundation to make an award. HCL Foundation reserves the right to reject any and all offers received and/or to cancel the RFP. HCL Foundation will not be obliged to either inform or provide a justification for rejection of proposals.
  • Incurring costs: HCL Foundation will not be liable for any cost incurred during preparation,
    submission, or negotiation of an award for this RFP.
  • Financial responsibility: Proposals must certify the financial viability and adequacy of resources of the agency/organization to complete the proposed assignment within the agreed time frame and in conformity with the agreed terms of payment. HCL Foundation reserves the right to request and review up to the last three financial statements and audit reports including schedules and annexures, as part of the basis of the award if required.
  • Branding aligned: HCL Foundation has set brand guidelines that should be incorporated and followed while demonstrating the Foundation’s brand.
  • Copyright and Patents: HCL Foundation shall be entitled to all copyrights, patents and other proprietary rights and trademarks with regard to the products or documents and other materials which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequences of or in the course of the execution of the contract. All plans, reports, recommendations, estimates, documents and data compiled by the service providers under the contract shall be the property of HCL Foundation and shall be treated as confidential. All confidential documents should be delivered to the relevant people within HCL Foundation during the project duration and upon completion.

Link to proposal formats: https://lnkd.in/d7NHGBwh

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