HCL Grant Edition VII


Your opportunity to receive HCL Grant worth 16.5 Crore

HCL Grant, started in 2015, is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment by HCL, through HCL Foundation, to strengthen and empower NGOs.

With a total committed fund of ₹16.5 Crores, HCL Grant is currently focused on identifying path breaking models of rural development and is awarded in three thematic categories-

  • Environment
  • Health 
  • Education 

**Kindly call HCL Grant PMO if your organization applied in Edition 1-VI and the application did not move to next stage.

Please note- HCL Grant receives applications online only. The process is considered complete only after you have filled up all forms and submitted. Only registration is not considered an application.


  • From this year, the functional existence of the NGOs applying under Education and Health category has been reduced from 10 years to minimum 5 years or above
  • NGOs will need to submit only a brief concept/abstract note of the proposal in Stage 1 (as per the online format). Detailed proposals will be required only in Stage 2 from the shortlisted NGOs.
  • The average expenditure of last 3 years criteria has been reduced from INR 1.5Cr to 1Cr for NGOs, applying in Health and Education category.
  • The organizations can submit their documents like 12A, 80G, CSR Registration certificates during Step 2 Abstract Review.

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