Free Financial Literacy Session & Consultation on Investment & Saving for NGO Staff


Be an Informed Investor

Know all that’s there is to know about

  1. New investment opportunities compared to traditional way
  2. The importance of beating inflammation
  3. Disciplined financial planning to achieve dreams and goals in life
  4. Benefits of starting investment early
  5. Good finance management means healthy life
  6. Power of compounding

M. Alpha Shah – Founder of Freedom Foundation and Facilitator of the Program

I am writing on behalf of Freedom Foundation. Freedom Foundation conducts free sessions on financial literacy for corporates and NGO staff. I know the founder, Ms.Alpa Shah very well and I have invited her to all the NGOs I have worked for to conduct sessions on financial literacy. She has been very inclusive and has also conducted sessions for persons with vision impairment in one of my previous NGOs and many of them have further gotten guidance from her and her team and started investing. I thought this would be a great opportunity for the NGOs in this group. Freedom Foundation needs a minimum of 40 participants from the NGO to conduct the session. The sessions will be online.

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