Crowd Sourcing a National Repository of Desi Seed Suppliers


The National Coalition for Natural Farming is a collaborative platform for accelerating the spread of agroecology-based farming practices in its multiple variants, improving on existing practices,  and advocating for policy change.

“Natural Farming” is understood by us, as the direction and process of transition towards a more local, resilient, and adaptive agro-ecology based farming.

There has been an increasing demand for desi seeds of indigenous crop varieties across the country. Considering this need, we have been trying to build a national repository of seed suppliers.

Since there are many types of seed suppliers including individual seed savers, organic farmers’ groups, community seed banks, SHGs, FPOs and seed supplier companies across the country, there is a need for collation of this diverse pool of resources and the most effective way of building such a repository is through crowdsourcing. This repository can then help farmers, kitchen gardeners, CSOs, etc to find sources for seed procurement in their respective regions.

Since there are many intricacies and nuances involved when it comes to ensuring seed type, its quality, purity, etc, the due-diligence of seed suppliers for such a repository can only be done to a limited extent. Nonetheless, we believe that it is important to build a repository in the first place.

Hence, we are initiating a google form for crowdsourcing a national repository of desi seed suppliers. If you are a seed saver or supplier yourself or know of any seed suppliers in your networks, please fill up this form to share their information.

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