Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship


Application deadline – Applications for 2021 closed. Stay tuned for the next round of applications (Tentatively in Aug-Sep 2021)

Duration: 1 year

Application deadline: 

Applications for 2021 closed. Stay tuned for the next round of applications (Tentatively in Aug-Sep 2021)


The Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship is an opportunity for working professionals from diverse fields, who are looking for meaningful ways to contribute to social change.

The Fellowship journey, as experienced by many, is a rich amalgamation of learning about the public education system in our country, contributing on the ground as well as building a career in the social sector.

During the program, Fellows will get an immersive experience of the real India, with in-depth learning about education, and an opportunity to contribute to a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society.

Eligibility Criteria

If you are doing exceptional work in your current field and are now looking for meaningful ways to contribute to social change, do read our further criteria below and apply.

 4 to 10 years of work experience

 A degree in any discipline

 Proficiency in English and any one of the local languages (Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu)

 Applicants need to be below 35 years of age

 Willing to travel within the district and ready to be posted in the districts we work in

Fellowship Support: 

Fellows will receive a monthly salary of Rs.35,000. Taxes and statutory deductions will apply.

Besides salary, Fellows are also covered under various insurances like Health, Life, and Accident Insurance.

Apart from this, Fellows are also eligible for allowances such as Relocation and Housing Deposit Assistance (as per organizational policy).

Apply here:



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