Round table discussion on Understanding Food Safety & Standards (Genetically Modified or Engineering Foods) Regulations


On 26th December 2021 from 3 to 5 PM

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a statutory body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.

The FSSAI is headed by a non-executive Chairperson, appointed by the Central Government, either holding or has held the position of not below the rank of Secretary to the Government of India. Rajesh Bhusan is the current Chairperson for FSSAI and Shri Arun Singhal is the current Chief Executive Officer for FSSAI.

FSSAI is seeking public feedback on the draft- Food Safety & Standards (Genetically Modified or Engineered Foods) Regulations, 2021.

You are invited to join the Round Table Discussion on Understanding the draft Food Safety & Standards (Genetically Modified or Engineered Foods) Regulations.


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