2022 WISE Awards


We just celebrated the 2021 WISE Awards winning projects

WISE is an international, multi-sectoral platform for creative thinking, debate and purposeful action. WISE has established itself as a global reference in new approaches to education. Through both the biennial Summit and a range of ongoing programs WISE is promoting innovation and building the future of education through collaboration.

The thrust for constant innovation has long prevailed in sectors such as technology and healthcare, but education has generally lacked this approach in both policymaking and in the classroom. Moreover education is key to addressing the toughest challenges facing communities around the world today – poverty, conflict, inequality, unemployment, environmental sustainability and future challenges. But there is a widening gap between the education systems currently in place and those required to meet the needs of future generations.

WISE is a response to the necessity of revitalizing education and providing a global platform for the development of new ideas and solutions. Since 2009, WISE has evolved into a thriving global, multi-sectoral community, which continues to generate fruitful dialogue and productive partnerships. The WISE community is a network of education stakeholders – from students to decision-makers – from about 200 countries who share ideas and collaborate to seek creative solutions to solve challenges facing education.

The second day of the 2021 WISE Summit ended with an inspirational session to honor and celebrate this year’s six WISE Awards winning projects.

Meet the 2021 WISE Awards winners

You too can be part of the WISE Awards community. Apply below and submit your project for the 2022 cohort. The submission period is now open until 17 January 2022.

Each year, the WISE Awards recognize and promote six successful and innovative projects that are addressing global educational challenges. In bringing forward these models, WISE is helping build a network of recognized change-makers to inspire transformation and innovation in education.

Until today, 78 projects have been awarded. Winning projects are supported by WISE through different channels, including a money prize and media exposure.

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